Issue Position: Education

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Education

Education is the cornerstone of a free society. The State Constitution requires the Legislature to "provide for the establishment and maintenance of the state's education systems." The State needs to fund our schools equally and protect the parent's ability to guide and choose what is right for their children.

HB2: Fought to increase teacher compensation and fend off a teacher shortage (2017 & 2018)
HB2: Ended the practice requiring teachers pay a fee to their employer to keep their jobs (2017)
SB43: Created a firearm safety and violence prevention program in public schools
HB345: Ended the practice of giving former sex offenders a teaching license (2015)
HB490: Worked to increase the grants that improve education for disabled students
SB87: Improved school safety by allowing locks on classroom doors during an active shooting (2018)
