Issue Position: Taxes

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Taxes

Every tax dollar Utah has is your money. Good tax policy is transparent and fair. Utah is currently ranked 21st in the nation for total burden on taxpayers; in other words, 29 states have lower tax burdens than Utah. How can that be you ask? Last year Utah had more than $500 million in surplus and yet passed a bill to increase taxes by more than $170 million and if a gas tax poll passes on the November ballot, that could increase the taxes by $400 million. This tax increase came after the state raised your property and gas taxes twice in the previous three years.

HB25: Rewrote the property tax system to close an annual hidden property tax increase (2016)
HB21: Fixed a calculation for revenue growth that was above the tax collection rate (2018)
HB265: Got rid of vehicle safety inspections and tax, (finally) (2017)
HB405: Worked to close a loophole in the tax system that favors non-profit hospitals (2018)
HB376: Worked to allow more local control in law enforcement (2018)
HB255: Required full disclosure of the tax rate increase on initiatives (2017)
