Hyde-Smith Encourages Mississippians to Honor Veterans, Past & Present


Date: Nov. 9, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

In advance of observances in Mississippi and around the nation, U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss) released the following statement to commemorate Veterans Day 2018 and to thank service members for their dedication to the United States of America:

"This Veterans Day 2018 is extra special. Exactly 100 years ago on the "11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,' the United States and its allies signed an armistice with Germany, formally bringing an end to World War I. This momentous occasion, first known as Armistice Day, was later recognized and became Veterans Day.

"World War I was the deadliest conflict the world had ever known. Veterans Day originated from the American people recognizing that a heavy debt of gratitude was due to the veterans of that brutal conflict. That sense of obligation has only increased over the past century as men and women from our own towns have bravely served to defend our great nation.

"As we commemorate Veterans Day 2018, I encourage all Mississippians to offer heartfelt thanks to veterans in their community. There are almost 200,000 veterans in Mississippi, who have earned our gratitude not just for their past military service, but also for the contributions they continue to make to strengthen our communities.

"As a nation, we must honor the service and sacrifice made by Service members--past and present--to defend our nation and protect the American way of life. It is also our responsibility to fulfill our promises to our veterans, to help those in need, and to support their strength and resilience. Ensuring that we take care of them and their families is a responsibility entrusted to all of us.

"To the veterans in Mississippi and across the nation, thank you for your bravery and commitment to preserving this great country. I am truly honored and humbled by your service. It is important that everyone reflects on words like freedom, sacrifice, resilience, and democracy as we pay tribute to our veterans and what they fight for."
