Thank You!


Date: Nov. 6, 2018
Issues: Elections

Thank you for your support in my re-election campaign! It's an honor to continue serving Northwest Georgia in the U.S. House.

Over the next two years, I'm excited to work with President Trump to lock in and build on the success of the last two years. By continuing our work and enacting more free-market reforms, families like yours will continue to see better job options, higher wages and greater opportunities.

Additionally, I'll continue fighting to balance the budget and pay down our national debt -- one of the most important challenges we face. In July, the House took a first step by passing my bill to create the Fund for America's Kids and Grandkids, which functions like a savings account for future generations. It's named after those who will bear the consequences if we fail to tackle our spending problem. I will fight hard to see this legislation become law. Our kids and grandkids are depending on us to take action now.

I will also work tirelessly to keep our military strong and get President Trump the resources necessary to secure the border, including completion of the border wall.

It's a joy to serve Northwest Georgia in Congress. I will continue fighting for Georgia values each and every day, always putting my constituents first.
