Issue Position: Economic Opportunities That Work for All South Carolinians

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Fixing our Infrastructure:

The first step in making the Palmetto State the economic powerhouse of the Southeast is attracting businesses to start or move here. None of this is possible unless we have a high quality of live and safe roads and bridges to drive on. When James is governor, he will work with the legislature to pass meaningful legislation that will fix our crumbling roads and bridges and replace our unsafe and dated water pipes.

Expanding Partnerships with Businesses:

South Carolina workers should be trained and equipped to meet the job opportunities of the future. And our economic and educational interests should be aligned to connect those workers with good paying jobs. When James Smith is Governor, he will expand partnerships with businesses to train workers for available jobs; create special programs to match veterans with employment opportunities and training; require schools to offer more technology courses; boost teacher pay; and address the stifling costs of higher education.

Bringing good jobs to the Palmetto State:

South Carolina has had great success in recruiting businesses like Boeing, Volvo, BMW, Google, and Amazon that need skilled and innovative workers. James believes South Carolina can continue to be a competitor in the world talent race by creating scholarships and linking together businesses and educational institutions to ensure that our best and brightest are supported and equipped to meet the job opportunities of the 21st Century.

Investing in Small Business:

James knows first-hand the leadership, teamwork, discipline, and skills embodied in our veterans. He will continue to expand economic opportunities for our veterans and will partner with businesses to create and maintain a pipeline so that the strengths of our soldiers are matched with the needs of our employers. He will also work to ensure that our veterans are able to receive continuing education so that they are competitive in and have access to emerging fields.

Creating an Economy of Innovation:

When James Smith is governor, he will pursue economic development opportunities in emerging fields to ensure South Carolina stays on the cutting edge. As governor, he will expand the growth in solar and renewable energy, seek to establish regional business incubators across the state, and boost the film industry and local agriculture.

Rural South Carolina:

When James Smith is governor, he will ensure our rural residents are equipped to compete in a technology-driven economy that is not restricted by their zip code. He will create new opportunities in rural areas by expanding internet access to rural communities, offering new tax incentives for new businesses seeking to revitalize distressed areas, and developing regional business incubators in regions across South Carolina.
