MSNBC "Hardball with Chris Matthews" - Transcript: Interview with Gov. John Kasich


Date: Oct. 29, 2018


MATTHEWS: I`m joined right now about Governor John Kasich of Ohio, a  Republican.

Governor Kasich, thank you for joining us tonight. It is a very difficult  and I think unsettling time for our country given what happened over the  weekend in Pittsburgh, not far from Columbus. And what do you think about  the President`s sort of rhetorical leadership at this moment?

GOV. JOHN KASICH (R), OHIO: You know, I thought there was a chance that he  would clean it up, and apparently he did for very short period of time, but  he`s right back at it, Chris. And, by the way, you know, I`m from  Pittsburgh. And I`m not -- I was born and raised not far from where that  all took place.

I have never seen anything like this, you know. When I think back, and you  and I can remember together, the Presidents who have said, we have got to  put this behind us. Whether it was Reagan`s beautiful talk with the loss  of those astronauts, whether it was George Bush up on the truck after 9/11,  whether we saw, you know, Bobby Kennedy, the great book you wrote, Bobby  Kennedy in Indianapolis trying to bring order and calm to people.

Chris, that`s just what leaders do. And in some ways I`m just -- I`m  flabbergasted. I mean, it seems as though they want to try to win an  election or he wants to try to win an election by just creating enemies and  selling fear.

And, look, I have said earlier today, I have been saying it for a week, it  all has to stop. Both sides have to stop. But, frankly, he is the  President. And, you know, we all grow up studying people like George  Washington and Abraham Lincoln and think about how they tried to bring our  country together.

And what I`m finding is, unfortunately, and I`m sad about this, our  President is trying to have an electoral gain by selling fear and division.  And it`s not right. And to call the press, you know, I didn`t really know  this, that he said, you know, 3:00 in the morning, the press is the enemy  of the people. Really? I mean, the press is there and I don`t know any  President that wasn`t -- that hasn`t been upset about the press and felt  that they have unfairly treated them. I mean, it`s just part of it. And  what else can I say, Chris?

Now, we, you and me and all others, we just have to be calm and we have to  be cool and we have to be good examples. The back and forth isn`t going to  work, but he`s got the most powerful megaphone. I`m very disappointed to  hear everything I have heard tonight. And I don`t know what to tell you.  It`s a sad day.

MATTHEWS: Well, let`s do it. Let`s follow your lead, governor Kasich.  Let`s take a look at some of the other Presidents who have handled similar  tragedies in the past.


MATTHEWS: Governor, I have to tell you, because you and I have been  politics at a much higher level. But I must say when Ronald Reagan gave  that speech at the loss of those astronauts including Christy McAuliffe,  the teacher, all those kids -- all across the country were watching that  day, watching a teacher die in that split second. And Speaker O`Neal, I  was standing next to him when he was watching. He was in tears. And the  minute that speech was over, he sat down and wrote a note to Peggy Nunu  helped the President prepare those remarks. This country was much more  united under those kinds of leaders, just more united. It`s a fact.

KASICH: Chris, I think that -- again, I don`t like to have to say these  things. I mean, I really don`t. But, you know, the Lord expects more from  us, doesn`t he? I mean, when he gives us gifts and gives us opportunity  and gives us a chance to make a difference, it has to be used in a positive  way.

And, you know, what I found on the campaign trail -- not everybody, but  many people in this country are down on their luck. They have got lots of  challenges. The kids, you know, messing with drugs or the kids can`t get  work or they are under employed. We know this is true. But what we need  to do is we need to tell them there are better days ahead. I see your  problem. Let`s get it fixed.

Politics is not this old as I have talked about so many times now, for  weeks, the zero sum game, that I have to win and you have to lose. There  has to be a space for everybody. And I would just encourage all of us  citizens, just regular old citizens, learn to tame your tongue a little  bit. Be respectful to your neighbor.
Remember the Lord is watching and  some day he will ask us what did we do with what we were given.
And when I see this division, Chris, after this terrible, terrible 11  people dead, and we hear enemy of the people -- this is not the time nor is  it the place for this kind of rampant politics, on anybody`s behalf.

And, look, I have criticized Democrats who I think said, you know, well, if  they go low, we have to go lower. And I understand that. But when you  have the biggest megaphone, you have a responsibility. In my state, I have  the biggest megaphone. I have to have responsibility.

MATTHEWS: Thank you, governor. It`s great to have you on. Maybe we are  all learning a lesson in the worst way.

Thank you so much Governor John Kasich of Ohio.

KASICH: Yes. Thank you, Chris.

