Fox News "The Ingraham Angle" - Transcript: Interview with Representative Kevin McCarthy


Date: Oct. 10, 2018


INGRAHAM: Could this be the breakthrough Trump voters have been wanting? House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy introduced a bill earlier this week that would fund President Trump's wall on the southern border, but it's got to move fast. If this bill passes the House it would have to go through the Senate with 60 votes to avoid a filibuster before January. Could that possibly happen? The congressman joins us on that and his trip to the border today. All right, Congressman McCarthy, great to see you. If this were to pass the House, and that's a big if, how does the Senate have any stomach or the votes for this?

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY, R--CALIF., HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER: I don't think the question is if it will pass the House. The name of this bill is Build the Wall, Enforce the Law. So it fully funds the wall $25 billion, but it even does more. Kate's law, which we passed, is a part of this. Stop sanctuary cities. It keeps children safe because it removes the MS-13 gang members. And it denounces this movement like in San Francisco that allows illegals to vote in our election.

But I watched what McConnell just said today. He said we're going to have a vigorous fight over the wall in December. And watching what this Senate was able to do with Kavanaugh, I believe this gives them the opportunity and the time to get this done once and for all.

INGRAHAM: I keep thinking, given how great it was to have the party unified for the Supreme Court seat, if the party had been as unified in that first year of the Trump administration of this issue, which was one of his seminal issues on the campaign trail, half of that wall or maybe a quarter of that wall would have been built already. So it's frustrating to a lot of us who pushed that so hard, Congressman, and I applaud you for getting to this now. But we're frustrated. A story today, I think I just saw today in Arizona, you probably saw it, a detention facility there was so full of all these people still streaming across the border, can't separate families. It's so full, they just had to do a mass release. And that shouldn't be happening, not with this president. He doesn't want this stuff.

MCCARTHY: No. And the battle when it came to Kavanaugh was the rule of law. It's one of the things that makes America the strongest. It breaks down our society. Our communities will not be safe if you can't secure your own borders. Think of the amount of fentanyl or the human trafficking that comes across, modern day slavery.

INGRAHAM: They don't care. Congressman, they do not care. They care more about their liberal social construct being foisted on America, open borders, open markets, redefining gender fluidity, whatever, throw it into the mix, whatever it is, it's not about the kids or the rule of law. They don't care about that. It's about redefining America as a borderless place that no better than any other place on earth. That's what it's about.

MCCARTHY: You are correct Laura, and that's what this election is about. This is the ability to build the wall and enforce the law, or have the border with no border whatsoever. With allowing what they've done in San Francisco today, allowing illegals to vote in our elections. Or when they want to eliminate ICE. I would wish every American would spend one day with the border patrol agent. I was down in El Paso. This was the first place of the border control began. They call it where the legend all began. If they spent one day with them, I don't think there would be any question about building this wall and keeping our community --

INGRAHAM: This is why we have you there, and this is why Fox News reports on these -- we had this horrible example of illegal immigrant crime, a woman raped in New York. No coverage of this for the most part in the mainstream media, zero. And again, they care about women, but we have a woman raped at the hands of an illegal alien and it's just like it never even happened.

Congressman, I have got to get you to react to this ever-increasing, rapid, moblike atmosphere among a very strong, virulent strain of the Democrat Party. Maxine Water reacted to the mob question. Let's watch.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, we are out of time, but she said get in their faces. What does that all mean?

MCCARTHY: That means if they were to win the majority she would be the chair of financial services, one who asked people to actually cause problems to other individuals. It's the opposite of what we expect from our elected officials. That's why this November is so important to make a fundamental difference and not let the Democrats take over.

INGRAHAM: Everyone has got to get out to vote. Thank you so much, Congressman.

