Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

A Greener and More Secure Economic Future for All Pennsylvanians

✔ Protect Our Constitutional Right to Clean Air and Pure Water
✔ Fund the Maintenance of Our Parks & Historic Resources
✔ Fund the Pennsylvania Departments of Environmental Protection (PA-DEP) & Conservation and Natural Resources (PA-DCNR)
✔ Fight Efforts to Weaken the Authority of the PA-DEP and Elimination of Environmental Protection Regulations
✔ Address Climate Change with Renewable Energy Options That Create Green Jobs
✔ Support Sustainable Development in Bucks County
✔ Increase the Minimum Wage

The path to a more secure economic future is one that invests in the future and provides secure, well-paid jobs for working families. Wendy is passionate about protecting the environment, preserving open space, and safeguarding Bucks County's agricultural and natural heritage. Today in Pennsylvania, the number of jobs in renewable energy vastly exceed those in the fossil fuel industry. Further, the increase of Lyme disease cases can be linked to climate change Pennsylvania has led the nation in confirmed cases of Lyme disease from 2012--2014, according to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wendy will support legislation that incentivizes investment in clean energy production including solar, wind, storage, and smart grid technology to grow our economy, reduce pollution, protect public health, and create numerous stable, high paying new jobs.

Our minimum wage hasn't been raised since 2006 and is lower than all of our neighboring states: New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, and West Virginia. Wendy will actively support efforts to design, in conjunction with the business community, a phased-in approach to raising the minimum wage in Pennsylvania beyond the current $7.25 an hour to $15.00 an hour.
