Langevin Supports Teacher Tax Relief Increase

Date: Sept. 29, 2005
Location: Warwick, RI

September 29, 2005

(Warwick, R.I.)-Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today announced his support for raising reimbursement rates for teachers who spend their own money on school supplies by cosponsoring the Teacher Tax Relief Act of 2005 (HR 2989).

"By supporting this increase in teacher reimbursement rates, we are applauding their voluntary commitment to improving education," said Langevin. "Raising the rate will hopefully encourage teachers to continue to give extra towards school supplies at a time when municipal education budgets are stretched thin under the demands of achieving federal standards."

Annually, on average, educators spend $1,180 on non-reimbursed expenses such as books, lesson materials, art supplies and countless other items in an effort to create dynamic learning environments for their students.

This legislation seeks to achieve three goals:

* Raise the tax deduction rate from $250 to $400
* Make the increased deduction rate permanent
* Extend the tax deduction to cover out-of-pocket professional development expenses

"By adding professional development to the reimbursement list, we are promoting the importance of life-long learning," continued Langevin. "Our students will benefit when teachers return to their classrooms refreshed and willing to try new ideas or hone old approaches."

The current tax reimbursement rate is scheduled to expire at the end of this year.
