Issue Position: Protecting Our Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As a School Board Member, I have worked hard to build a broader and more representative coalition of environmentalists to protect California's natural resources and my commitment to an increase in renewable energy and stronger action on climate change is one of my top priorities when elected to State Assembly.
In 2014 I actively supported Measure P in Santa Barbara County which would have prohibited "high intensity" oil and gas operations such as fracking, acid well stimulation treatments and cyclic steam injection.While on the school board, I have supported leveraging the California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39) funds to support energy efficiency and alternative energy projects, along with related improvements and repairs that contribute to reduced operating costs and improved health and safety conditions in public schools. In 2014 while serving on the board of the California Latino School Boards Association, I moved forward a resolution to support the Salton Sea Salt Renewable Energy Initiative.
I have encouraged use of energy and water-saving designs for our campuses, reduced ornament lawns, increased use of reclaimed water, and supported student and community projects to increase learning and create awareness of drought-friendly practices. When elected to California State Assembly, I will continue my commitment to protecting the environment and ensuring that our vision for a sustainable California is well funded.
