Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Twenty-five percent of every healthcare dollar goes for administrative and profit for insurance companies. I support Medicare-for-all -- known as single-payer -- now -- and will continue to support it without deviation. The current state of healthcare is predatory and cruel. Profit-driven insurance pharmaceutical companies maximize their profits by price gouging suffering individuals and families into bankruptcy. Americans go broke paying for-life saving procedures and medications that cost a fraction of the U.S. price in other Western democracies. Taxpayers should not be forced to choose between vital healthcare services and housing, utilities, transportation, or food. The notion of penalizing individuals with "pre-existing conditions" that they were born with, by no choice of their own -- for profit -- is reprehensible. My opponent, Tom Graves, was among the first to propose defunding the Affordable Care Act and has since shown zero interest in solving the healthcare issues of the people he represents. He has proudly championed the Trump administration's tax cut -- which threw 13 million Americans off their health insurance --and promoted the measure as "reform."
