Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

I believe creating a pro-job growth environment entails a three prong common sense approach.

First, we have to push to have a well-educated and well-trained workforce in Kansas. By investing in education and vocational options such as WTI and WATC, we can help accomplish this. We need cooperation between public education and business to make sure we're developing a workforce in Wichita and Kansas ready to compete in a global economy.

Second, we must review and make sure no business is unable to grow due to an burdensome and unnecessary government regulation. While some regulation can be a good thing, too much or unneeded regulation can have a negative effect on job growth. Many regulations are outdated and need to be revised.

Third, We must focus on keeping our best and brightest young talent right here in Wichita. Millennials are fleeing this state at an alarming rate, and we must work to reverse this trend. We need to value vocational training as much as we do a college degree. We need policies that attract workers and business to Kansas, not deter them from making Kansas their home.
