Letter to Ryan Fisher, Deputy of the US Army Corps of Engineers - Representatives Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Bill Johnson (R-OH) Push for Funding to Update Water Control Plans for Mahoning Valley Reservoirs


Date: Oct. 4, 2018
Location: Youngstown, OH
Issues: Infrastructure

Dear Deputy Fisher:

We write to urge the United States Army Corps of Engineers to provide funding to update the water control manuals for the three reservoirs feeding the Mahoning River: Berlin Reservoir, Michael J Kirwan Reservoir, and Mosquito Creek Lake. The water control manual containing the water control plan was originally developed in the late 1970s. Over the past several decades, conditions have changed in the watershed such that an update of these water control manuals could positively impact the socio-economics of the region.

It is also the case that the drawdown to winter pool elevation at Berlin Reservoir begins in July, which negatively impacts recreational use of the lake and, and as a result creates a lack of opportunities for socio-economic benefits. It is our understanding this drawdown occurs to meet flow requirements for the river and not for flood risk management.

We therefore request your support for Fiscal Year 2019 workplan funding for these important water control plan updates.

