Statement from Dave Hughes Regarding Usmca Announcement

Press Release

Date: Oct. 1, 2018
Location: Karlstad, MN

The following is a statement from Dave Hughes:

"The United States-Canada-Mexico Agreement announced earlier today, and recently opposed by Representative Peterson, is a huge win for western Minnesota farmers and manufacturers. It's the biggest trade deal in United States history, but USMCA is especially big for its benefits to our workforce, grain trade renegotiations, and massive wins in access to the Canadian market for our dairy, egg, and poultry producers. Grain no longer will be automatically classified as "feed grain' in trade, Canada will eliminate its Class 7 dairy program, and we have been granted massive new access to dairy, egg, and poultry markets."

Shortly after the 2016 election, Representative Peterson initially expressed support for ending NAFTA in support of a new trade regime. However, Nancy Pelosi quickly got to him, and Representative Peterson now opposes President Trump and this great trade deal. When challenged by Chris Berg on Point of View, Peterson said that he "misspoke" in 2016 when strongly supporting renegotiation.

"There was a time when Representative Peterson would stand strong for his district over party. That time has passed. His fealty to Nancy Pelosi, flip-flopping on trade for partisan purposes should not be forgotten," said Hughes. "Despite the obstruction of Democrats like my opponent, who would rather impeach the President than partake in the prosperity this administration is providing us, Republicans are delivering on the promises they made to the American people and western Minnesotans who supported President Trump by an over thirty-point margin!"

Last month, Dave Hughes met with a representative of Trade Ambassador Robert Lighthizer who indicated that this deal was coming, and that there is far, far more coming down the pike to help the American people win on trade.

"On a well-negotiated, and fair playing field, the American people, American manufacturers, and the American farmer will win every time in the global market."

Earlier last month, President Trump endorsed Dave Hughes for Congress: "Dave Hughes is running for Congress in the Great State of Minnesota. He will help us accomplish our America First policies, is strong on Crime, the Border, our 2nd Amendment, Trade, Military and Vets. Running against Pelosi Liberal Puppet Peterson. Dave has my Total Endorsement!"
