21 St Century Idea Bill Marked-Up and Passed by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee


Date: Oct. 2, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Ro Khanna released the below statement following the House OGR committee mark up and passage of the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA). This bipartisan bill will lower federal costs and increase efficiency by digitizing government processes through establishing minimum standards for federal websites, digitizing agency forms and promoting electronic signatures. Additionally, the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee favorably passed companion legislation introduced by Sen. Portman. The bill was reported by OGR committee to the full House for further consideration.

"The 21st Century IDEA will help modernize government agencies and save the taxpayer money. It's time our government agencies adopt the innovative technologies of the 21st Century," Rep. Khanna said. "Government exists to serve citizens, and this bill ensures our government agencies leverage new technology to provide the cohesive, user-friendly online service that all Americans expect and deserve. I'm proud of the support my bill gained as it moved forward. I'd like to thank Rep. Trey Gowdy--OGR full Committee Chair, Rep. Elijah Cummings--OGR full Committee Ranking Member, Rep. Will Hurd--OGR Internet Technology Subcommittee Chair, Rep. Robin Kelly-- OGR Internet Technology Subcommittee Ranking Member, Senator Portman, and Rep. Ratcliffe for their support of this legislation."
