Issue Position: Protect Taxpayers' Dollars

Issue Position

Taxes belong to you, not the government. They should be treated as such. Perhaps the greatest asset that I bring to our state's legislature is my understanding of the importance of good stewardship of our public's dollars. I recognize that every dollar we spend in Raleigh must first come out of the pockets of our hardest working citizens. One of my top priorities is to see to it that our taxpayer's interests are protected.

As a business person, I am accustomed to looking for ways to improve productivity, gain efficiencies, and create accountabilities. I have a proven track record with the multitude of businesses, and non-profits that I have served.

I believe that the best way to provide the citizens of North Carolina with a lower cost is to run it as efficiently as we would a business while adequately compensating the employees who invest their talents and skills in serving us.
