Issue Position: What We Stand For

Issue Position

North Carolina's government needs serious renovation. From reinvesting in our schools and teachers, to ending the corrupt system of gerrymandering, we are past due for reforms that will create an efficient and effective state government.

Progress begins with ensuring a fair political process for all and having political leadership that actually represents its constituents. The gerrymandering of North Carolina, designed to limit the voices of certain minorities, needs to end. Independent redistricting will ensure that every citizen's vote matters equally.

All children deserve a first class education that prepares them to compete in today's global economy. Properly funding early childhood education in North Carolina is the key to giving every child a better chance at a successful future. Every dollar that we invest in early childhood education can save seven dollars down the road. Teen pregnancy rates fall, incarceration rates fall. Welfare and healthcare spending falls. North Carolina has built its reputation on public education and it's time to revive that legacy.

We need to expand Medicaid to give the entire state quality, affordable health care. Poor working families are the most likely to not have insurance due to affordability and Medicaid expansion would help "cover the gap" between current Medicaid eligibility and families being able to afford private health insurance. We need a system that our citizens trust to properly balance care and cost and expanding Medicaid is the first step towards this goal.

Everyone who wants to work should be able to find work. Our state needs new industries and this means new investment by the state. By investing in broad-based economic development and renewable energy sources we can create new jobs while securing a better future for the next generation.
