Issue Position: Gang Violence-Crime

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Anna Caballero works with first responders to protect our families. Anna started Partners for Peace, a non-profit dedicated to developing effective violence prevention strategies by focusing on literacy, early childhood education and strengthening families and children. Anna convened a select committee on youth violence prevention and held hearings all over the state to examine the issues facing cities and rural communities, and the best practices being utilized to reduce crime. Anna also authored a bill that would have exposed parents and other adults to criminal charges if they recruited minors to join a gang, and she helped to secure millions of state funding for gang violence prevention programs. She was awarded the Crime Fighter Award from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California and Legislator of the Year Award from the California State Sheriff's Association. When Anna was Mayor of Salinas, violent crime reached an all-time low. Keeping kids and communities safe is one of Anna's highest priorities.

Anna supports law abiding citizens right to own a gun. But she also supports common-sense reforms to prevent more violence on our streets, such as a ban on military-style assault weapons, a ban on bump stock firing devices and prohibiting people on the no-fly list from buying a gun. As our next State Senator, Anna will work to fun anti-gang violence programs and put more officers on our streets.
