McCarthy Discusses America's Comeback


Date: Sept. 26, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) discusses Tax 2.0, how Democrat-led cities are disenfranchising Americans, and the House's report card.

Excerpts are below, or watch online here.

On Tax 2.0:
"The comeback also means about letting Americans keep more of what they earn, that's why there's Tax 2.0 we will pass this week. These are our real contrasts between what the Democrats have fought for or had resisted and the results that we've been able to achieve. You all know the Democrats' agenda. They talk about raising the taxes, they would reverse the tax cuts we've provided to the American public. More than 1.7 million new jobs have been created since that tax cut bill was passed."

On allowing illegal immigrants to vote in our elections:
"They also want to abolish ICE. But there's something else that we'll bring up on the floor. A new movement that's going on around the country. About allowing illegals to vote in our elections. Disenfranchising Americans. I don't know if any of you have ever participated in a naturalization service. I would challenge you to do so. It is a moving experience. When you watch individuals who have worked so hard to become an American citizen. They walk out of the room and some of the first things they will do, most draped in an American flag, want to register to vote. They will tell you some of their proudest moments would be casting that first vote as an American. But now cities that are Democratic-controlled across America are disenfranchising all of us by allowing illegals to vote."

On the House's report card:
"Also what you'll find that we'll do throughout, if you look back on report card of what this House has been able to achieve, if I look at the last 25 years of Congress, during the first two years of a new presidency, the average number of bills moving out of the committee at this point would be 736. So what have we been able to achieve? 1,053.
Even with all the resistance from the other side. And bills passed off the House floor have an average of 678. This Congress has passed 914."
