FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 26, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation


Mr. LoBIONDO. Mr. Speaker, this is a day we should all celebrate. It is not that often we have an opportunity to have a bipartisan, bicameral bill that does so much to help America.

There are a lot of thank yous to go around. You have heard about the particulars of the bill. I want to thank Bill Shuster, who has been a very good friend and has put his faith and trust in allowing me to chair the Aviation Subcommittee 6 years. I thank Peter DeFazio and Rick Larsen for their help. Rick has been a partner with me on Coast Guard and aviation issues.

Also, the staff doesn't get enough thanks for the time and energy and work they put into it. I thank Holly Lyons, Naveen Rao, and Hunter Presti for all they have done over the years to make this committee move forward. And very special thanks to Geoff Gosselin, who was my legislative director for a number of years and has been a part of the major committee staff for a long time.

This is really important to me. Aviation and the FAA has been a passion for me for all of my years in Congress. I have the honor of representing the Federal Aviation Administration's crown jewel technical center, which is in my district. The technical center is the heartbeat of aviation and the FAA in America. It is, as I said, the crown jewel for safety and security, and for keeping our Nation safe with the greatest aviation system in the world.

But it is not because of the sophisticated laboratories and equipment. Yes, we have all that. It is the thousands of men and women who work there who put their heart, soul, energy, and enthusiasm into the dedication of making sure that our aviation system in the United States of America is the finest and the best. This bill will give the certainty and stability for them to do their job for 5 years.


Mr. LoBIONDO. As you heard Chairman Shuster say, this has not happened since 1982. So for the men and women of the tech center, for the heart and soul that you have put into our system, God bless you and thank you for doing the great job that you do.

