Why Has Judge Kavanaugh Not Requested An Fbi Investigation

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 25, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, although the Republican Senate has refused the customary FBI investigation into allegations against Judge Kavanaugh by Dr. Ford and others, there is evidence that should be weighed.

Dr. Ford is not only willing to offer sworn testimony at the hearing, she has requested an FBI investigation with the required FBI questioning under penalty of perjury.

Judge Kavanaugh is an expert on all our legal processes. Why hasn't he asked for the standard FBI investigation?

Moreover, apparently understanding the seriousness of her allegations, Dr. Ford has also taken the unusual step of being polygraphed. A lie detector test is not required, although law enforcement sometimes requests it.

It would be a fair question for Senators to ask Judge Kavanaugh why he did not request an FBI investigation and whether he would take a polygraph test, too.

