Schiff Statement on Manafort Guilty Plea


Date: Sept. 14, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement:

"Paul Manafort's belated decision to plead guilty, admit the allegations against him, and agree to cooperate with prosecutors is a significant victory for Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller not only secures another set of convictions against Trump's campaign manager, but the plea and cooperation agreement free up time for Mueller's team to focus on other critical parts of the investigation.

"Given that Manafort has been party to a joint defense agreement with Trump, held out for a pardon, and admits to conspiring to obstruct justice, the value of his cooperation remains to be seen. But Paul Manafort was involved in or had knowledge of key developments of the Trump campaign, including the Trump Tower meeting in which the campaign expected to receive dirt on Hillary Clinton. If he cooperates fully and truthfully on all matters within the scope of the Special Counsel's investigation, Manafort may provide important information and insight into the Trump campaign's links to and possible cooperation with Russia. I would also hope that his cooperation includes testifying before congressional committees.

"The evidence presented by the Special Counsel's office is overwhelming and should put to rest any idea that Manafort is even remotely deserving of a pardon. If the President moves to pardon Manafort or impede his cooperation in any way, it would constitute an attempt to obstruct justice. Mueller and his team continue to make progress and must be allowed to finish their investigation without interference by President Trump or his Republican allies in Congress."
