Rosen Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Cybersecurity Workforce, Create and Expand Apprenticeship Programs


Today, Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (NV-03), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, announced that she has introduced the Cyber Ready Workforce Act. This bipartisan bill would establish a grant program within the Department of Labor to support the creation, implementation, and expansion of registered apprenticeship programs in cybersecurity. The legislation is modeled after Nevada's first in-state cybersecurity apprenticeship program, which was approved by the State Apprenticeship Council in May of 2018.

"The demand for talent in cybersecurity is sky-high, and we're putting ourselves at risk if we don't address this shortage in our workforce," said Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (NV-03). "I'm committed to ensuring that businesses and government have the skilled people and critical tools they need to enhance our nation's cybersecurity infrastructure, help industry thrive, and strengthen our national security. Everything we do in today's economy is shaped by technology, and I will continue to work with my House colleagues to ensure our families and communities are better protected against cyber threats."

"Investing in and expanding our cybersecurity workforce doesn't only fuel our economy, it keeps us safe," said Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-06). "While I was fighting on the ground in Iraq, Al-Qaeda was fighting us on the internet -- and they were beating us online! And while we focused on Russia's military in 2016, they attacked us through the internet. This bill is an important first step towards making sure we don't get ourselves into such a vulnerable position again."

"As the Chair of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, I am pleased to introduce this bipartisan bill that will help equip our workforce with the jobs of tomorrow and strengthen our nation's cybersecurity capabilities," said Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21). "Cybersecurity is in demand and we must cultivate our workforce to ensure these needs are met. I urge my colleagues to support this important national security bill."

"Cybersecurity threats will continue to present national security challenges for America in the 21st century," said Congressman Dan Donovan (NY-11). "With these threats and the changing economic and technological landscape, America needs a workforce that can adequately advance our cybersecurity defense priorities. I am proud to join this bipartisan effort and call on my colleagues to pass our bill that would further efforts to create jobs in our communities and our ability to respond to cybersecurity threats."

CompTIA, the leading trade association for the global technology industry, released the following statement from Executive Vice President for Public Advocacy Elizabeth Hyman.

"We applaud the efforts of Congresswoman Rosen, Congressman Donovan, and Congresswoman Stefanik on this critical issue," said Executive Vice President for Public Advocacy Elizabeth Hyman. "Through innovative public-private partnerships, under the direction of the U.S. Department of Labor, the information technology industry will have greater access to registered apprenticeship programs and be better able to train the cybersecurity professionals our nation needs."

"The Learning Center is pleased to support Congresswoman Rosen's "Cyber Ready Workforce Act'," said Linda Montgomery, President of The Learning Center. "This bipartisan bill addresses the critical shortage of cybersecurity personnel our nation faces by establishing grants that create, implement, and expand cybersecurity training. I'm especially pleased to know that this bill would help engage those who are underrepresented in cybersecurity, including women, minorities, youth, and our nation's veterans."

BACKGROUND: The Cyber Ready Workforce Act would establish a grant program within the Department of Labor whereby the Secretary of Labor shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to workforce intermediaries, to support the creation, implementation, and expansion of registered apprenticeship programs in cybersecurity. Support services provided to apprentices may include career counseling, mentorship, and assistance with transportation, housing, and child care costs. View text of the bill here.
