Rep. Lujan Grisham Statement Hispanic Heritage Month


Today, Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01), Chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus issued the statement below celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and highlighting the incredible contributions Hispanic men and women have made to New Mexico and our country.

"Never before has it been more important to highlight the incredible contributions of Hispanic men and women and the invaluable impact they have had on our country. From serving at the highest levels of government and Fortune 500 companies, to starting new small businesses, building our nation's roads and bridges, and teaching in our classrooms, our community's determination and resiliency has helped lead our country, spark innovation, and create a better life for all Americans.

"Hispanic Heritage Month not only recognizes these contributions but also reminds us that America has been strengthened and enriched by our diversity.

"But instead of celebrating inclusion, our country has seen a rise in hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric perpetrated by this administration's systematic attacks on, and targeting of, our community. These efforts have marginalized immigrants and undermined the contributions of Hispanic families, and are inconsistent with the values on which Hispanic Heritage Month was founded.

"The reality is that Hispanics have broken down barriers and fought to improve the lives of all Americans. From civil rights icons like Dolores Huerta, who fought to improve conditions for laborers, to Astronaut José M. Hernandez who traveled into space to advance science and innovation, these are some of the Hispanic innovators and leaders whose accomplishments have moved our country forward.

"These achievements by Hispanic Americans, and countless others are but a glimpse of what comes when our nation promotes inclusion and welcomes individuals from all walks of life. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we must celebrate our accomplishments and continue to seek out and challenge divisive rhetoric, beat back intolerance, and uplift the contributions, culture, deep roots and legacy of the Hispanic community in New Mexico and the United States."
