Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 5, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LAMB. Mr. Speaker, I have a motion to recommit at the desk.


Mr. LAMB. I am opposed in its current form.


Mr. LAMB. Mr. Speaker, this is the final amendment to the bill, which will not kill the bill or send it back to committee. If adopted, the bill will immediately proceed to final passage, as amended.

Mr. Speaker, I have been here for 5 months now. I have met a lot of people who still want to work hard, do the right thing, and, most importantly, get things done. This is true on both sides of the aisle. But the problem is that, even when we work together and we are close to finally getting something done, the leadership of this House can deny us a vote on bills that are already written, on bills that are supported by both sides, and on bills that are good for the American people. They deny us a vote.

Mr. Speaker, this amendment is a perfect example. I offered an amendment to this bill. The amendment would help make sure that veterans are getting the information they need about student loans. This bill does not recognize veterans. It does say that, down the road, we have to study its effects and that we should look at race; we should look at ethnicity; we should look at gender; we should look at income; and we should look at people with disabilities. I agree with all of that. But we should also look at the effect on veterans.

Veterans are different from other students. Many students rely on their parents, but many veterans are parents. Many students are taking out their first loans, but many veterans already have mortgages. Many students are leaving home for the first time, while many veterans are coming home from tours of service all over the world.

We need to know if veterans are getting the information they need about their student loans, in addition to these other groups.

I know that Members of both parties agree with that. I met with several Republicans yesterday, and not a single one raised a single objection to this amendment. But then we find out that leadership will not allow a vote on this amendment. Why is that?

Well, Mr. Speaker, this motion to recommit will allow us a vote. It will allow us to vote for veterans.

Our student loan system is stacked against veterans, just like it is stacked against so many of our fellow Americans. We thank our veterans for their service all the time, using words. Today, let's thank them with action. Let's thank them with the force of law. Let's thank them by doing our jobs.

Mr. Speaker, I urge support of this motion to recommit, and I yield back the balance of my time.


Mr. LAMB. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.

The yeas and nays were ordered.

