Lawson Statement on H.Res. 990


Date: July 19, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Al Lawson (FL-05) released the following statement regarding his vote on H.Res. 990:

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is in need of serious overhaul and reform. We need to examine ICE's responsibilities and implement new policies and new training that dramatically change the agency to reflect our nation's best values. As policy makers, we were sent to Congress to make difficult decisions, and for me, voting "present" does not reflect that commitment.

Yes, ICE enforces immigration laws, but is also responsible for narcotics enforcement, investigating cybercrimes, human smuggling, firearms smuggling and counterterrorism. Simply abolishing the agency without a comprehensive plan to replace it is shortsighted.

I'm ready to get to work with my colleagues to find a serious solution to what is a serious problem. I've said it many times before -- children should not be separated from their parents. But, we should not shift the responsibility from the President and his self-serving policies to this agency. Congress needs to lead where the Trump administration will not, and election-year voting stunts are a distraction. We must all come together to create real reform that will keep America safe and maintain basic human decency."
