Feinstein Statement on Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report


Date: Aug. 16, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania grand jury report on sexual abuse within the Catholic Church:

"The Pennsylvania grand jury report describes horrific crimes against children and a cover up at the highest levels of the church. My heart aches for the thousands of survivors who were abused and whose lives have been forever changed.

"The survivors named in this report, and all survivors of sexual abuse in this country, deserve justice. Earlier this year, we passed legislation to extend the civil statute of limitations for minors so that they have longer to seek justice against their perpetrators. Under the new law, the statute of limitations does not begin to run until victims realize they've been abused, which is so important for those abused as young children.

"We must continue to do more to protect vulnerable children. Our communities have to be more vigilant. We must better serve survivors. And we have to do more to root out the culture of protecting the institution that led to widespread sexual abuse not just within the Catholic Church, but also in athletic organizations and at universities. I will do everything I can to protect survivors, and ensure there is better accountability for those who commit such horrific crimes."
