Wexler Blasts Republicans for Poisoning Head Start Program with Discrimination

Press Release

Date: Sept. 22, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Education

Amendment Would Allow Head Start Providers to Discriminate Based on Religious Beliefs

Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) vehemently opposed an amendment to the School Readiness Act of 2005 (H.R. 2123) sponsored by Congressman Charles Boustany (R-LA) and supported by the Republican leadership, which would allow a faith-based sponsored Head Start Program to use federal taxpayer monies to discriminate against highly qualified teachers, volunteers and other employees based solely on their religious or personal beliefs. This amendment contradicts the successful 33-year history of Head Start by blatantly discriminating against teachers who are qualified to help early-education children living in poverty. Head Start is known for strongly emphasizing literacy, reducing crime and encouraging volunteerism. Those who dedicate their lives to helping the less fortunate should not be discriminated against based on their religious beliefs. The Boustany Amendment passed by a vote of 220 to 196 and final passage of the School Readiness Act was passed by a vote of 231 to 184.

"I am baffled that Republicans would support a poison pill amendment to the Head Start reauthorization bill, allowing for the deliberate discrimination against an individual based on their religious beliefs. This amendment violates the separation of Church and State, and its message of exclusion and hate is contrary to the historic mission of the Head Start program. Americans are free to practice any religion they please and should never be passed over just because their beliefs differ from others. Teachers in this country dedicate their lives to educating all children and should be hired based upon their qualifications. Head Start is one of the most successful government programs in American history, and we are doing a disservice to millions of needy children across the nation who have benefited from dedicated and talented teachers. It is essential that Head Start providers be allowed to hire qualified employees who are committed to helping children and parents out of poverty," Wexler said.

Religious and non-religious organizations that strongly oppose the Boustany religious discrimination amendment, including the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty; Episcopal Church, USA; Presbyterian Church, USA; General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church; United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministries; American Jewish Committee; American Jewish Congress; Children's Defense Fund; National Education Association; National PTA; National League of Cities; National Women's Law Center; NAACP; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; MALDEF; and People for the American Way.

Congressman Wexler is a senior member of the House International Relations Committee and is a member of the House Judiciary Committee.
