Issue Position: Gun Violence Prevention

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Guns

Making Communities Safe from Gun Violence

"I'm proud to endorse Jason, because he's the steadfast leader that the folks of Colorado's 6th district deserve. He'll bring the grit and determination that saw him through his military service with him to Washington, so you know he'll never shy away from a tough fight. I know he has the courage and integrity to stand up to special interests, like the gun lobby, and will always use Colorado values as his guide." -- Congresswoman Gabby Giffords

Each year, 33,000 Americans die from gun violence and another 130,000 are shot. Here in Colorado we've dealt with two of the nation's worst mass shootings in Aurora and Littleton. Coloradans know that we do not have to choose between Second Amendment protections and safer communities. As a hunter and former Army Ranger, Jason knows that there are many responsible gun owners in Colorado, but also knows what guns are capable of and that common-sense reforms are needed to reduce gun violence.

Common-Sense Reforms

Simple, common-sense laws that are supported by a huge majority of Americans can help make our communities, schools, and homes safer from gun violence. Background checks have prevented over 2.4 million gun sales to felons, domestic abusers, and dangerously mentally ill individuals. But, loopholes still allow up to 40% of gun sales to go unchecked. Coloradans support closing these types of loopholes.

In Congress, Jason will fight to:

Expand background checks for gun purchases, such as closing the gun show loophole for private-party gun purchases
Prevent gun sales to suspected terrorists (the so-called "no fly no buy' law), domestic abusers and stalkers, and dangerously mentally ill people
Rescind the Dickey Amendment's ban on federal funding to research the causes of, or the public health and safety effects of, gun violence in America
Restrict the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines and certain types of devices, such as "bumpstocks' which allow a gun to be modified into an automatic weapon
Prevent concealed carry reciprocity, which would violate states' rights by forcing them to accept other state laws, even if they put their own communities at risk
Ban military-style assault weapons and accessories
Standing Up to the Gun Lobby

Mike Coffman has taken more money from the gun lobby than anyone else in Colorado's Congressional delegation. Jason has pledged not only that he will not take any corporate PAC money, but he will never take a dime from the gun lobby. Jason's priority in Congress will be to work towards solutions to gun violence and he will always put our children, our families, and our communities first.
