Issue Position: Creating Good Jobs

Issue Position

I'm proud to have helped build a successful and innovative family-owned business. I believe I can use that experience to help create federal policies that will create good jobs and help our economy grow. We have to do more to provide opportunities for young people, and that starts with improving education at every level.

As a business owner, and when I was Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, I worked tirelessly for economic development in Northern Virginia. Over the years, our area has been the home to innovative start-ups and the expansion of existing businesses, and has attracted national firms to choose Northern Virginia. We must continue these efforts, and I'll use my business experience to make it happen.

I believe Congress should immediately pass President Obama's infrastructure bill. We not only need to rebuild aging roads and bridges, but this will provide good jobs and help our economy.

I also strongly support the proposal to increase the minimum wage to $10.10. The nation's minimum wage has not kept pace with inflation, and the current hourly minimum is simply not sufficient or fair. A full-time worker earning the minimum wage makes $15,080 a year, which is below federal poverty guidelines for a family of any size.

And I support the President's initiative to strengthen overtime for workers.
