Issue Position: Civil Liberties

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Tulsi has been a champion for Americans' civil liberties, and reigning in the NSA's mass collection of every American's data. She has received an A+ rating from Restore the Fourth.

Protecting Americans' Privacy

Tulsi Gabbard
House Floor Speech
June 19, 2014

Our number one priority is keeping the American people safe. We do that by focusing our resources on those who actually pose a threat to our safety while upholding the freedoms and civil liberties of the American people - not by continuing this dragnet spying on millions of Americans.

There is no evidence to date that those programs have made our country more secure. Not a single tax payer dollar should be used to fund a program that spies on innocent Americans, violating the principals of liberty and freedom that so many have fought and given their lives for.
