Issue Position: Quality, Affordable Health Care

Issue Position

Claire supports fixing and improving the Affordable Care Act to ensure that all Missourians can afford and access coverage. To this end, she has worked with her Republican colleagues to remove burdensome reporting requirements for businesses and reverse undue stress on small business owners. Claire has also introduced legislation to allow anyone without an insurance provider in their county's individual market to buy health insurance on the DC exchange -- the same way their Members of Congress do.

Witnessing the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, Claire worked across the aisle to conduct an investigation into why pharmaceutical companies were raising prices on consumers. This investigation led to bipartisan legislation to increase competition in the pharmaceutical market and lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Claire has also consistently opposed efforts to transform Medicare into a voucher system, while working to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in the program. And she worked with her colleagues to find a permanent, bipartisan fix for the health benefits of more than 20,000 miners and their families.

Claire will continue to fight to ensure that Missourians can access the health care services that they need to fully participate in their communities.
