Issue Position: Enacting Real Healthcare Reform

Issue Position

When Obamacare was signed into law, Americans were promised that their costs would go down, that care would improve, and that more choices would be available. Today, we know these claims to be fiction and that ObamaCare has failed. In reality, costs have skyrocketed, the quality of care has been driven down, and hardworking Michiganders have had to change doctors because ObamaCare did not cover the doctor their family has seen for years.

I will continue my fight to replace Obamacare with better solutions that puts patients, families, and doctors in charge of care instead of Washington, D.C. I believe that every American can have access to quality, affordable care by making health insurance portable from job to job so that we no longer have to rely on our employer for insurance.

In addition, I support having a fact-based conversation about how to preserve Medicare for current seniors and for future generations. Without reform, the Medicare Trust Fund will be bankrupt in 2026. I support reforms that will strengthen Medicare for the future, while ensuring that no one over the age of 55 will be impacted. These reforms will give seniors access to Medicare-approved guaranteed coverage options offered on a regulated exchange, allowing seniors to select a plan that best meets his/her needs, much like the health insurance Members of Congress have.
