Cartwright Denounces Supreme Court Decision on Janus v AFSCME


Date: June 27, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

The United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision released today, ruled against unions in Janus v AFSCME and ignored 41 years of legal precedent upholding the right of unions to collect "fair share fees" for the services they are legally required to provide to workers, such as negotiating for decent pay and fair workplaces.

"This 5-4 decision is another direct attack on union rights, on working families, and will have a profound impact on the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania, where union rights are a time-honored tradition. I continue to stand with our union members, and will not stop in my efforts to protect and maintain collective bargaining rights," Cartwright said.

"Furthermore, I plan on responding to this decision with legislation in the United States House of Representatives this week," added Cartwright.
