Issue Position: Growth and Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

My efforts in Congress have helped lower unemployment rates in every county in the district. And I will continue to lead us towards even more business growth and job opportunities.

For years, American businesses were mired in regulation, litigation, and taxation. Since getting elected to Congress, I have been working to make America more competitive, as appropriate for the 21st century. That includes fostering an economic climate that helps U.S. industries adapt and grow, hire new employees, and invest in research and development.

We've started to see the results, and the world is waking up to the new America that will not be short-changed in the global economy. I will continue advocating for reduced government regulations to ease the unnecessary burdens on business. I will continue to support tax cuts that enable our businesses to invest in their growth and new hires.

Moreover, I strongly support workforce development, so we can provide the manpower that is needed by our employers. We must have an educated and skilled workforce so our local businesses can expand, and we can attract other businesses to set up operations here. My efforts will help adults get training for better jobs and higher wages.
