Tweet - "THREAD: Here are the facts about the economy you won't hear from @realDonaldTrump or Republicans:"

Social Media

Date: July 27, 2018

"THREAD: Here are the facts about the economy you won't hear from @realDonaldTrump or Republicans:"

"The GOP promised their tax bill would be "rocket fuel" for the economy. Instead, it blew up the deficit by a trillion dollars & sparked a surge in stock buybacks, benefiting the biggest corps, their execs & wealthy shareholders while leaving middle-class families largely behind."

"Meanwhile, as the @washingtonpost reported: "since June 2017, the relative spending power of hourly earnings actually dropped. That's not what Trump promised.""

"Or, as Noah Smith wrote, "the tax reform hasn't yet resulted in appreciably higher wages for American workers""

"Or, as @foxbusiness' senior correspondent said, "We gave these corporations a huge corporate tax cut and guess what happened to wages? They remained flat.""

"The bottom line? With the #GOPTaxScam, @realDonaldTrump and the GOP promised families an extra $4,000 in their pockets.

So. Where's your raise?"

