Rep. Roybal-Allard Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month


Today, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40) released the following video in celebration of LGBTQ Pride Month:

The text of her remarks follows:

"Hello, I am Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard. I wish you a happy LGBTQ Pride Month.

"During the Stonewall Riots that began on June 28, 1969, LGBTQ individuals fought for the right to be free and open about who they were and who they loved. Every June since, the LGBTQ community has come together to celebrate their identity, and to demonstrate against bigotry and hatred.

"During this Pride Month, once again I'm pleased to join the LGBTQ community in celebrating their diversity, courage, spirit, and achievements. It is a privilege to fight alongside them in the continuing battle for respect and equality.

"Their fight is personal for me. Like many of you, I have LGBTQ family, friends, and co-workers. I proudly remember how in the early 1980s, my father, the late Congressman Edward R. Roybal, appropriated the first funding to fight a new disease that was ravaging the gay community at an alarming rate. Like other early supporters, my father endured ridicule from family members, congressional colleagues, and others for his support of these marginalized Americans who were facing the devastation of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Because my father knew he was doing the right thing, he continued to courageously fight for the resources needed to find a cure to combat this disease that was once a certain death sentence.

"Courage is at the core of the LGBTQ community. While the movement has had successes, no victory has been easy or complete. Yet they fight for what is right no matter the consequences. Like past generations, they continue to heroically fight for respect, acceptance, and their right to equality, while still enduring humiliation, economic ruin, and violence.

"I am honored to support their fight. That is why I am proud to cosponsor bills such as the Equality Act, which offers LGBTQ people the same non-discrimination protections that our federal laws give to other groups. I pledge to continue fighting alongside the LGBTQ community until we are victorious and until we are all equal.

"Please join me in celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month."
