Faso Statement on President's Executive Order


Date: June 20, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Faso (R-Kinderhook) released a statement following the President signing an executive order to address family separation:

"The fact that any child was separated from their family was wrong, and I am pleased the President reversed his decision on enforcing the law in this manner. The next immediate step we must take is reconnecting separated parents and children as quickly as possible and I will be working to ensure that is taking place. Finally, Congress must continue its work to fix our broken immigration laws because for too many years and administrations, Washington has failed to address how to secure our borders while also ensuring our immigration policies are humane and address the real challenges our border enforcement officers face every day. We need to improve border security, resolve the status of the DACA population and enact other reforms such as ending the diversity lottery and unlimited chain migration."
