Issue Position: Creating Jobs for the Future

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Our district has vibrant biotechnology, information technology, and clean energy industries and we must advocate for federal policies that support their continued growth.

I will be a vocal advocate for increasing funding for basic scientific research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH). President Trump's budget outline would have cut $6 billion from the NIH, a direct hit to our district that undermines a longstanding commitment to biomedical science.

Because no full-time American worker should ever live in poverty, I support a gradual increase in the federal minimum wage to $15, implemented at a pace that allows employers to adapt their business plans. Exhaustive research over the past few decades suggests raising the minimum wage produces better outcomes not only for workers, but also for their children and families.

Finally, I believe we must fight for additional Wall Street reform and prevent corporations from sending jobs and profits overseas. We also must guard against the sort of risky business and lending practices that led to our last financial collapse.
