Father's Day Message from Randy


Date: June 18, 2018
Issues: Family

Growing up in Illinois I cannot think of a person who influenced my life more than my parents. They taught me to make God and my family a top priority and instilled the importance of giving back to my community.

Today is Father's Day and as a father, to 4 wonderful children, I now understand just how blessed and honored I am to have such a great father as Vern Hultgren.

As a small business owner, while we were growing up, my father taught me the value of hard work and having strong morals. No matter how difficult things got, he always put his values first and operated with integrity. He always treated his customers like family and gave back to our community when he could. My father is my inspiration, and I try to live by his example each day.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to my dad and all the fathers out there that work so hard to support and encourage their families.

