Issue Position: Medicare For All

Issue Position

Improved and Expanded Medicare for All is the ethical, logical, and affordable path to ensuring no person goes without dignified healthcare. Medicare for All will reduce the existing costs of healthcare (and make Medicare cheaper, too!) by allowing all people in the US to buy into a universal healthcare system.

What's even better is that Improved and Expanded Medicare for All includes full vision, dental, and mental healthcare - because we know that true healthcare is about the whole self, not just your yearly physical.

Almost every other developed nation in the world has universal healthcare. It's time the United States catch up to the rest of the world in ensuring all people have real healthcare coverage that doesn't break the bank. This is very different than universal "access" to healthcare, which is lobbyist talk for more for-profit plans.

You can count on Alexandria to fight for people-centered healthcare more than any other candidate, because she's the ONLY candidate that doesn't accept money from Pharmaceutical lobbyists or private insurance companies.

Extending single payer to the American public has rippling positive effects: people will take less time off work, have more money in their pocket, and other issues - like mass incarceration, homelessness, and more - will also be alleviated with an increase in the number of people getting the mental and physical healthcare they need.

At this point in the US, we've tried almost every other system of healthcare, and we know it doesn't work. The Affordable Care Act was a great step forward to insure the previously "uninsurable," but for many Americans, costs are still far too high. The prices of co-pays, premiums, and deductibles are skyrocketing. We're paying more for less every year. Improving Medicare and extending it to all Americans can fix these problems.
