Issue Position: Healthcare and Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Unfortunately, it is reported that millions of Americans will opt out of health insurance this year and as many as 13 million will do so by 2025. As private citizens we can only hope that they are well and the costs of whatever health care they receive will be less than what they would have paid for insurance and co-pays. Wishing them well is not enough, however. Congress needs to add a new standing committee on Healthcare to bring the necessary resources to bear to evaluate and recommend new ways to deliver healthcare. The sad truth is that we, as a country, are constrained by lack of organizational focus, creativity and innovation in Congress and in the healthcare industry.

We need the same organizational reform for Immigration. These are two of our biggest issues and neither issue has its own standing committee with expertise and focus to do something that is comprehensive, transformational and sustainable.
