Issue Position: Safegaurding Our Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

Co-chairman of the Long Island Sound Caucus. Tripled funding for the EPA Long Island Sound program to $12 million despite calls to cut or eliminate the program and led the opposition to the misguided plan to dump Connecticut's dredge waste into the Long Island Sound.

Leading the effort to save Plum Island, by successfully securing House passage of H.R. 2182, with a unanimous, bipartisan vote.

To protect coastal homeowners and business facing risks from floods and storms, introduced the bipartisan National Flood Insurance Policyholder Protection Act (H.R. 2868). This bill passed the House with bipartisan support and would lower insurance premiums for Long Island homeowners who invest in mitigation to protect their properties from flood damage.

Secured $27 million in funding for the National Estuary Program, which includes the Peconic Estuary and Long Island Sound. Also, introduced the bipartisan Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Act, which authorizes $65 million in water quality funding for the Long Island Sound.

Brought the House Natural Resources Committee Chairman to Long Island for a field hearing in Riverhead regarding important issues facing Long Island's coastal economy and environment.

As part of a bipartisan coalition in Congress, leading the fight to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and make it permanent, a critical program that has included funding for 65 parks and beaches in Suffolk County alone.

Member of the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, Coastal Communities Caucus, Congressional Shellfish Caucus, and Long Island Sound Caucus.
