Issue Position: Tax Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Taxes

Americans need a robust economic plan that not only reforms the federal tax code, but also reins in government spending, supports all-of-the-above energy policies, and stops federal overregulation.

As one of the Senators that helped write the tax reform bill, I made sure we repealed the Individual Mandate, doubled the Child Tax Credit (to $2,000), and passed other measures that benefit small businesses and entrepreneurs.

The IRS should have never been involved in healthcare and the government should never require citizens to pay for something they can't afford.

As you know, our bill is already providing tax cuts to Nevada's middle-class families, boosting job creation, and spurring economic growth. But we're not done yet. That's why I'm fighting for additional job-creating legislation that will provide relief to small businesses and families, and keep our economy growing.

My goal has always been to make sure that Americans keep more of their hard-earned money. Lower tax rates will allow businesses to hire, invest, and expand creating jobs in our communities and boosting growth around our state and across the country.

The Obama-era mindset of increasing taxes and over regulating small businesses stifled job growth in Nevada and impeded our nation's ability to provide businesses and workers the tools they need to compete in a global marketplace. But that era is over.

Now, we're heading in a direction that is better for Nevadans and Americans across the nation, and although we've made significant progress, there is still more work to do.
