Issue Position: Animal Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Promoting animal welfare and protecting them from abuse is a top priority for Gil. In Congress, Gil will vote to protect pets and domesticated animals by strengthening regulations on "puppy mills" and other harmful commercial breeding facilities and supports proposed legislation to prevent animal cruelty and torture.

As a former pet owner, Gil understands the important role animals play in the lives of adults and children. Gil will fight to protect farm animals from inhumane treatment and work to eliminate the use of antibiotics in farm animals for non-therapeutic reasons.

The safety and security of our nation's wildlife is also under threat with the continued auctioning off of public lands to the highest bidder. In Congress, Gil will protect wildlife by keeping public lands public and make more resources available to forest landowners, ranchers, and farmers who are taking steps to conserve our wildlife, lands, and waters. Gil supports legislation combating international wildlife trafficking and will work to shut down the U.S. market for illegal wildlife products and help put an end to international animal trafficking and poaching, which not only threatens our environment but also provides financial support for terrorist organizations.
