Davis Works to Pass House Farm Bill

Press Release

Date: May 16, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) today spoke in support of the farm bill, H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act, which is supported by a wide-range of groups, including the Farm Bureau and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

During remarks delivered on the House floor, Davis called on his colleagues to set politics aside and pass this farm bill that works for farmers, taxpayers, and Americans struggling to get ahead.

H.R. 2 is expected to be voted on this Friday. More information can be found here.

Davis' written remarks

I have a district that relies on a strong farm bill. Illinois is a leading producer of soybeans, corn, and swine. Our economy relies on a farm bill that supports agriculture.

Although we all eat, I realize there are many districts whose members may not be as enthusiastic as I am about the farm bill. That's why there's something in this bill for every district.

For those concerned about the deficit, I have good news…

The last farm bill was the single largest cut in mandatory spending we made in the 113th Congress.

We build on these sound policy reforms in this bill.

If you're a member who wants to address the cycle of poverty too many Americans are trapped in, this is the bill for you…

H.R. 2 reforms the system and invests historic amounts in workforce training.

Despite our growing economy, we still have 9 million more people on SNAP today than we did at the height of the recession when jobs were scarce and unemployment reached double-digits.

This isn't progress. This isn't helping end that cycle of poverty…

In Illinois, 67 percent of work-capable adults on SNAP are without work.

It's not because they don't want to work, in many cases it's because they don't have the tools to find that open job or the training needed to qualify for it.

Our country had a long recession that left many disheartened by the job market.

We continued to hear about people dropping out of the labor force because they lost their job and after months and months of searching, couldn't find another one.

H.R. 2 makes investments to give many of those same people hope in finding a job again.

Four years ago, I was a freshman and the farm bill was my first opportunity to be part of a conference committee and see firsthand our democracy at work.

In 2014, I saw Democrats and Republicans spar over policy differences, but at least there was a debate.

I'm incredibly disappointed by my friends on the other side of the aisle who didn't offer any amendments in committee and I'm disappointed by the same lack of participation and rhetoric I'm hearing today.

Work requirements are not new. They were done in 1996 by a Republican-led Congress and President Bill Clinton during a similar time of economic growth.

When do the politics end and serious policy discussions begin?

Usually, I'm not one to be hopeful about the Senate…

But if the senior Democrat senator from Illinois, says he is open to work requirements and wants to get a farm bill passed, then I think if we get a bill passed out of the House this week, we can accomplish a farm bill this Congress.

Let's put politics aside and pass this important bill for our farmers, for taxpayers, and for too many Americans trapped in poverty. Let's show the American people we can govern.
