Quigley Meets with Parkland Students on Capitol Hill, Discusses Policy Proposals to Combat Gun Violence


Date: May 23, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), who serves as a Member on the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, met with young leaders from Parkland High School and other school communities for a gun violence prevention forum, where students discussed their personal experiences and various policy proposals.

"Following each tragic school shooting, we send our thoughts and prayers to the victims--the injured and slain, the mothers and fathers who have had their children cruelly torn away from them far too soon. On one hand, it is unfathomable. On the other, it is all too familiar. While it is the most natural thing in the world to express our empathy through thoughts and prayers, it cannot end there.

"Our condolences mean absolutely nothing if they are not followed up by substantive action. They do not stop dangerous individuals from obtaining access to firearms. They do not prevent the next school massacre. Simply put, they do not protect our kids.

"I, like many Americans, have been inspired by the courage and resolve of these same kids, who in many ways are leading our nation more than the adults elected to keep us safe. I thank the students from Parkland for visiting the Capitol today--and all the students from Chicago that I've met over the past several years--for their unyielding determination to make a difference. They refuse to let this issue fade from the forefront of our minds, and they insist on holding their government accountable for its failure to follow their lead. We must heed their example before it's too late, once again."

Every day in America more than 30 people are killed by someone using a gun. Since 2013, there have been 311 school shootings.
