Hearing of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Rush Hearing on DOE Modernization: Legislation Addressing Development, Regulation, and Competitiveness of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies


Date: May 22, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

"I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this important hearing today on legislation addressing the development, regulation, and competitiveness of advanced nuclear technologies.
Mr. Chairman, as I have stated many times before, I subscribe to an all-of-the-above energy portfolio, even as we move towards a low-carbon energy economy.

"I have also stated on many occasions that I believe nuclear energy must play a vital role as a source of safe, reliable, low-carbon power that can help us meet both the energy and environmental needs of the 21st Century.

"Mr. Chairman, I look forward to working with the majority as we proceed through regular order and I believe we may be able to come to a strong bipartisan agreement on most, if not all of those bills.

"Today, I support the discussion draft, authored by Rep. Flores of Texas, which would simply direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to support the availability of high-assay low enriched uranium, or HA-LEU, for commercial use.

"We have learned that there are several companies looking to design and license advanced nuclear reactor technologies utilizing uranium-235 isotopes enriched at levels greater than five percent and less than 20 percent.

"Some of these companies identified significant challenges associated with accessing HA-LEU and I believe Mr. Flores's discussion draft would address some of these concerns and make HA-LEU more accessible with the right safeguards.

"I also support the discussion draft authored by a group of bipartisan Members, including two from this Subcommittee, Mr. Hudson of North Carolina and Mr. Peters of California.

"This bill would require the Secretary of Energy to develop a report on a pilot program to site, construct, and operate micro-reactors at critical national security locations.

"Mr. Chairman, I am also inclined to support some of the objectives of HR 1320, which would amend the NRC's fee recovery process associated with the advanced reactor regulatory framework, while also limiting the total funds available for corporate support costs, and capping fees on operating reactors.

"However, I have some concerns regarding the bills' provision potentially repealing licensing restrictions to foreign governments.

"I also want to better understand the implications of repealing requirements for mandatory hearings, while also implementing specific timelines to review final environmental impact statements and how that might impact public input.

"Finally, Mr. Chairman, I also look forward to engaging today's witnesses on the discussion draft sponsored by Mr. Johnson of Ohio.

"This bill would, among other things, revise DOE's review of the Part 810 process by expediting procedures for transferring civilian nuclear technology, including to foreign powers.

"Mr. Chairman, this proposal comes against the backdrop of the current Administration's decision to renege on the U.S. commitment in the Iran Deal, while also moving forward on potential talks with

"North Korea's volatile dictator on denuclearization issues.

"So, I look forward to engaging today's distinguished panelists on both the timing and necessity of this legislation, as well as identifying possible unintended consequences.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and with that I yield back the balance of my time."
