Issue Position: Protect Vulnerable Texan

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Protecting the unborn

Since Greg Abbott took office as Governor, we have made great strides to protect life, but we must also do more to protect our vulnerable unborn children.

Texas ended the barbaric practice of selling baby body parts for profit. Texas increased funding for adoption services. And Texas banned partial birth abortions.

But more must be done to defend the culture of life in Texas. Greg Abbott wants to prevent cities and counties from using your tax dollars to fund abortions.

Ending human trafficking

Human life is not an asset. It's not a commodity. Life is a gift from God, and we must do everything we can to defend Texans' most basic rights endowed by our Creator and guaranteed in the Constitution.

As chairman of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, Greg Abbott worked closely with legislators, law enforcement authorities, and victim service providers to combat human trafficking across Texas. In 2013, Greg Abbott was honored to be the recipient of the New Friends New Life "Protect-Her Award."

Working with the Texas legislature, Greg Abbott has fought to increase penalties for traffickers, enhance coordination within the law enforcement community, and improve victims' access to important services.

Greg Abbott created a child sex trafficking task force to eliminate this horrific crime.

Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and it a serious problem that afflicts not only Texas, but the rest of the nation. Greg Abbott will continue to crack down on this vile crime.

Safeguarding Texas children

Our most precious Texans are also among the most vulnerable. Greg Abbott has made protecting children and removing dangerous predators from our communities a top priority as Texas' Attorney General.

He launched the Cyber Crimes and Fugitive units in 2003, directly resulting in the arrest of more than 4,454 fugitives, sex offenders, parole violators, and other felons.

In addition to fostering safety for our children in our communities and online, one of the most important responsibilities of Greg Abbott as Attorney General was the collection of child support.

Child support directly benefits the children and saves Texas taxpayers money by avoiding additional state welfare costs. Under Greg Abbott's watch, the Attorney General's office has collected over $31 billion in child support for Texas children. In 2014, his office was recognized as the nation's best child support program by the National Child Support Enforcement Association.

Keeping Texas safe includes protecting our vulnerable children who are too often stranded in the foster care system.

Greg Abbott's first emergency item this year was to reform a broken foster care and child protective system in Texas. We now have more resources and better strategies to protect our children and to ensure they find safe and loving homes.
