Issue Position: Defense and Homeland Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As an Air Force Chaplain, I know firsthand the serious responsibility our men and women in uniform face everyday protecting our freedom. My years of service in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, which included a tour of duty in Iraq, provided me firsthand knowledge of the issues and problems our soldiers face while serving in a war zone and returning home. The world is rapidly growing more dangerous, and we must ensure our military has every resource necessary to combat the challenges at hand.

Unfortunately, the view around the world is that U.S. leadership is in decline and the Obama administration's inaction only fuels those concerns. President Obama's lack of a strategy towards ISIS gives our enemies confidence that they can conduct attacks outside of the Middle East.

I have taken direct action as a Congressman to protect our homeland and ensure our military has what it needs to defeat any threat to our national security:

I am an original cosponsor of H.R. 4869, the Comprehensive Strategy to Destroy ISIL Act of 2016, which requires the administration (and any future administration) to submit a report to Congress that details its strategy to destroy ISIL and its affiliates across the region and the world.

I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to the President asking for a delay of further implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action until the ballistic missile launches were investigated and Iran is held accountable.

I have supported increased sanctions against North Korea after their repeated attempts to provoke the West.
